Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Boots and Wild Turkeys

During a lesson last Wednesday:

Me: Ok, let's look at this picture in the textbook. Can you describe the clothes that this man is wearing? What color are his boots?

Mrs. K: etto....

Me: (very slowly) Can you tell me what color the man's boots are?

Mrs. K: etto....a, sou da! (haltingly) Can you teru me what calaa za man's boots are?

Me: Uh, right... Can you tell me?

Mrs. K: ...

Me: I'm sorry. I must have confused you.
(veerry slowly) Do you see this man in the picture? What color are his boots?

Mrs. K: Boots! Yes. He izu wearingu boots...and T-shirt and hat and - -

Me: Um, yes, that's true...but what color are his boots?

Mrs. K: Boots! Yes, boots. He have boots.

Me: ...


A conversation with my boss a few days ago:

Boss: Are you still cooking for yourself every night?

Me: Yes...well, I'm trying to.

Boss: Oh, good for you. So do you go to the supermarket to buy food?

Me: Um...yes...except for the days when I hike up into the mountains to hunt wild turkeys.

Boss: What?

Me: except for the days when I go hunting for wild turkeys.

Boss: Oh. (looks puzzled) Oh!!....You do?!!?


Anonymous said...


would that "boss" be... ikuko? =P

Lindsay said...

yep, that's her. She's really nice. I still think of that box in Hirosaki whenever I hear her name though :D

Anonymous said...

lol, that's awesome.

Yeah, when I read your first post with her in it, I thought of that box, too, heh.