Saturday, June 21, 2008


Happy Saturday morning to you courtesy of my friends at the high school next door!

(Sorry, this video doesn't really capture the view from my apartment balcony very well, but the sound ought to give you a feel for how I wake up on lazy Saturday mornings here in the peaceful bliss of the Japanese countryside. ;)


In other news pertaining to peace and bliss, when I got to school yesterday morning, I found that someone had done a little decorating across the main doors of the medical school with a can of red spray paint. As I walked up to the entrance gawking at the new artwork, I nearly stepped in front of a police photographer who was taking pictures of the scene while a bunch of maintenance men waited around to clean up the mess. The huge Japanese characters adorning the main doors read, 三木、出てこい! (Miki, get out here!) Apparently, a very angry someone had a score to settle with Miki...

At first, I assumed that the graffiti was some kind of stupid prank aimed at some unfortunate medical student named Miki, but after hearing the scuttlebutt around the medical school, I found that Miki is actually a professor here. According to one of my English students, a patient who went to see Dr. Miki felt that he hadn't been treated properly and decided to get even. Last week, the patient posted unflattering fliers about Dr. Miki all over the shopping arcades in Matsuyama, and this week he apparently decided to go about his revenge in a slightly more artistic manner.

I guess this patient wasn't into malpractice suits so much.... Perhaps people like him are the reason that there's barbed wire around the high school...??

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