Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Death of a Goldfish

Hi again! Since my last post, there's been good news and bad news. The good news is that I've finished writing essays for all ten of my medical school applications. Also, I got one invitation for an interview last week, so I'm coming back to Seattle for a week in the end of October. :)

The bad news has to do with the nine goldfish that I got at the festival last month. (I guess I spoke a little too soon in my last post.....) Last weekend, I came back to my apartment from a lesson and was about to feed my goldfish when I noticed that something didn't feel right. On a whim, I counted the fish and found that there were only eight in the tank. At first, I figured number nine must be hiding in a plant, but after a quick inspection, I realized that this couldn't be true. At this point, I happened to look down at the floor and saw number nine lying on the tatami. He was very dry and very dead. :( :( Apparently, he had been feeling a bit too frisky and jumped clear out of the tank. I wish I had been there to rescue him. :(

I think number nine must have had a girlfriend (boyfriend??) in the tank, because the next day, another poor goldfish started swimming in corkscrews on its side and was dead by the next morning. Probably of a broken heart. Poor kid. :(

I didn't really think that I would get so attached to the goldfish, but I must admit that the bottom dropped out of my stomach when I saw number nine on the floor. It really was an awful feeling to see him lying there and realize that he's never going to move again. *shudder* Guess I've never really had a pet die before. :( Wish me luck with the other seven fish!


Anonymous said...

I just read the sad news about your little babies and I am so sorry. I thought about sending flowers but then I thought better of that. Ha! Yes, I hope the other ones make it. Love, Grandma

Lindsay said...

Ha ha, thanks for thinking about my poor goldfish. I'm sure he would have appreciated the flowers. :)