Friday, August 04, 2006

In a burst of creativity at the end of last quarter, I decided to record a couple of songs that I've been playing around with lately. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not exactly a virtuoso on the guitar, but the recordings did actually come out kind of cool. If you're curious to hear, check out the links below.

This is Minikui, a song I wrote as a joke for a Japanese skit. Ev put together the music video for me with English captions. :)

And here's a recording of a really pretty lullaby, Warabi gami. My good friend Alicia plays in this one on the sanshin, a kind of Okinawan stringed instrument:


MasterCKO said...

you have such a great voice! And I like the stuff you did with harmonizing and "echo" on warabigami. Awesome stuff. I have some songs that I made, but they're all electronic and shtuff. No actual instruments yet (I might make some real ones once I get my real computer set up again).

Benjamin Whaley said...

I agree, your voice is super pretty! So is your playing!

I remember when you performed the first version of that song in our class. I really liked the addition of the scat singing part.


Lindsay said...

thanks, guys! let me know when your songs are finished, Chieze. we should put together a gaijin album. ;)