Wednesday, February 28, 2007


At jazz practice the other day:

Hey, did you go to the Fuji shopping mall in Matsuyama on Saturday?

Me: No, I was in my apartment all day. Why?

Bandmate: You really weren't there?? That's really strange....I swear I saw someone there who looked just like you.

Looking back, I believe that this conversation proves one of two things:

either (1) I have a clone, or (2) Miyazato Ai, Olivia Hussey, or Keira Knightley was in Matsuyama on Saturday.


Lee's Discount Store said...

or (3) Princess Di's ghost is haunting Matsuyama


Lindsay said...

HAHAHAHA. That's gotta be it.

Evelyn said...

or (4) every dark-haired gaijin MUST be you

Lindsay said...

lol. ah how I love being a gaijin.