Saturday, October 14, 2006

Name Change

Dear readers, please note that very shortly, I shall be changing my name. Henceforth, please address all correspondences to 鈴木花子 (Hanako Suzuki).

You may be wondering how this change has come about. Let me fill you in. You see, every day I eat lunch in the medical school cafeteria, and I've had my eye on Suzuki-san, one of the guys who dishes out the rice. Suzuki-san is quite cute and scoops the rice into the bowl with such grace that I couldn't help but fall for him.

For the longest time, I'd been hoping that he would notice me, so I had been trying to look as tall and white as possible. But sadly, no matter how much I batted my eyes at him and tittered merrily with my hand over my mouth, he never seemed to notice. That is, until last week.

Last Monday, I accidentally dropped my handkerchief in front of him on my way to the tea machine. Gentleman that he is, he picked up my handkerchief and as he handed it to me, we looked into each other's eyes for the first time. Suzuki-san has gorgeous eyes, and let me tell you -- the thirty seconds I spent gazing into his eyes were like heaven. Unfortunately, just at that moment, one of the ladies behind the counter called him back to help a customer, so we had to part. But ever since that day, I've been able to tell that Suzuki-san likes me because he always puts an extra scoop of rice in my bowl.

During the past week, our relationship has really blossomed and yesterday, Suzuki-san asked me to marry him. We wanted to wait a few months to have the wedding, but in the end, I decided that I just couldn't wait a second longer to become Mrs. Suzuki. So, we giddily ran off to the nearest Shinto shrine and were married by the Shinto priest/jazz pianist, who also does a pretty impressive Elvis impersonation, I must say.

Ok, ok, just kidding. (Did I fool you?) Actually, the real reason I'll be changing my name is that it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to fill out forms here if your name is not Japanese. In order to get a bank account, pay my phone bill, and register for health insurance and stuff, I've had to fill out quite a few forms over the past two months. And each of these forms has been returned to me at least once with a request to write my name in roman letters/katakana/capital letters/lower-case letters/full-size characters/half-size characters/with my middle name/without my middle name... Their data entry systems must be ridiculously anal. I've never been so afraid to write my name on a form before. Anyway, to make it easier on myself, I've decided that I'm going to change my name to something more straightforward.

I wonder how many times I'll have to fill out the name change form before I find a format that they can input into their system....


shinticre said...

I would just like to say, I completely understand your pain about the forms and have run into the exact same problems you have, and like you posted a sad blog entry about it as well. And I am also paranoid about writing my name on forms. We can form a club.

Lindsay said...

oh that's right. i think I vaguely remember your blog entry. We should definitely form a support group, cuz this is quite stressful!

Evelyn said...

i don't mean to brag, but i haven't had any problems with filling out my name on forms... no forms returned or anything. they do make me katakana-ize my middle name though, which strikes me as pretty 変 but whatever. i always leave the furigana line blank, and just write チン・エベリン on all my forms for consistency.

have you both been attempting to write in english? i haven't bothered... maybe that'll solve you problem.

i have, however, had issues with incompetence. even though my name is clearly written out as エベリン, i still get the occasional bill or health insurance card (yeah, sadly) with my name spelled エブリン or エヴィリン. WRONG, PEOPLE. WRONG.

g'luck with future forms though.. even though this sounds ridiculous, when i got my atm cards and saw my name written in katakana, i thought it was the weirdest thing ever. "Whoa, my name's on this card! and it's in JAPANESE!! whoa, now!" and after some thought, i realized that my name is on cards in america too, and it's really not that exciting after all...

yeah, i'm slow.

Lindsay said...

hmmm, I don't think the people on your island are really japanese, Ev. Otherwise, they would have sent your forms back at least once. =p hehe

Katie said...

So, I'm highly amused that when I view your blog, any characters that I assume are Japanese show up as question marks. So it looks like Ev says 'I always leave the furigana line blank and just write ?????????? on all my forms (...)' And I can just imagine someone just writing a bunch of questions marks on a form instead of their name, especially if it's in another language, even though I know that's not what she means. I was amused. I'll have to read the rest of this later. I didn't even know you had actually started a blog yet. But I hope things are going well! Are you coming home for Christmas at all? If so, we should totally hang out. I'll be home for a week and a half. :)

Lindsay said...

haha, that's funny. I guess you'll see lots of ?? in my blog then. Yep, I'm coming home for Christmas. Probably from Dec. 19th to Jan. 3rd or 4th. I'll let you know when I nail things down. :)